Erasmus Summer Programme Courses

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Gender in Research: Workshops [ESP79]

Course highlights

EC points


Start date

19 August 2024

End date

23 August 2024

Course days

Monday to Friday (5 afternoons)

Course time

From 13:00 till 16:00 CEST


Dr. Maryam Kavousi, invited speakers

Course fee

€ 536


Erasmus MC, Rotterdam NL




ESP78 Gender and Health (8.45 AM – 11.45 AM)

This course is not available as an elective for NIHES Master students.


  • Epidemiology
  • Clinical Epidemiology
  • Clinical Research
  • Public Health

Course Materials

Digitally, download instructions will be sent before the start of the course, by e-mail.

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Itai Magodoro


The professors - who are at the cutting edge in their respective fields - bring science to life!

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Detailed information about this course:


Faculty: Maryam Kavousi, MD PhD, Coordinator: Miranda van Duijn PhD

Invited speakers

During this workshop, we will explain how sex and gender can be included in the various phases of the research process. The workshop will focus on choices in design, methods and analysis. In addition, attention is paid to research team composition, publications and gender-sensitive implementation.

Our main purpose is to provide participants with insight into methods for incorporating sex and gender in research. Participants will also be divided into small groups to work on several projects. As such, this workshop will serve to form new communities of young, talented researchers who can join forces on addressing different gender-sensitive topics in future.

Teaching methods: Interactive lectures, exercises, practicals


• Provide participants with insight on how to take sex and gender into consideration in each step of the research process.

• Form an international network of promising researchers who can inspire each other and work together in the future.

• Provide participants with perspectives regarding the role of research funders in advancing sex and gender knowledge across different themes of health research.

Participant profile

• PhD students and scientists at the beginning of their career (maximum 5 years of experience after PhD).

• Those interested in how to include sex and gender in the various phases of clinical, public health, and epidemiological research.

The ZonMw Gender and Health Knowledge Program will provide 20 Gender in Research Fellowships for PhD-students and post-doctoral trainees to attend the Gender and Health course and participate in the Gender in Research workshop at the Erasmus Summer Programme in August in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

